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Academy Update- February 2019

It’s been another busy month for the Academy! The season is absolutely flying by. Credit to all the volunteer managers and coaches working with the Academy who have managed the month so well. Lots of things have had to change last midnight and we are really lucky at Leicester to have a number really committed members of the club who dedicate much of their time to ensuring the Academy runs smoothly – thank you!

Last month we congratulated U16 player Elise who made her debut for the 2nd XI in a friendly and it was noted that the next step would be a competitive debut. Well, she’s done it! Congratulations Elise on making your competitive debut for Leicester Ladies 2s. Another step up the pathway ladder within the club. Elise has played two games and impressed in both. Keep up the good work.

It is one of the brilliant things about Leicester, we are prepared to give young players a chance and help them progress through the ladies structure.

Sessions now start bang on time. This means the warm up begins at 12:30pm or 2pm depending on the age group. This is to make sure we make the most of our time on the pitch. The coaches are keen to make the most of the time they have, we are also keen for you to get really good value for money. Being late isn’t a problem as we all have busy lives but if you can make it on time, please do!

We are also hoping to share a player and parent satisfaction survey with you soon. We want to get better and we want you to be a part of this.

This part of the season is crucial for player recruitment, so if you know anyone who might be interested in joining Leicester Academy please do put them in contact. We are keen to grown and get as many kids playing hockey as possible. They can be beginners, coming back to the sport or performance players – we pride ourselves on being able to cater for everyone.

Have a great March.